Couples Counseling

Are You Worried About the Health of Your Relationship?

  • Are you concerned there is a disconnection or lack of intimacy in your relationship? 

  • Do you feel as if you and your significant other are just going through the motions, without the genuine closeness you once shared? 

  • Perhaps you have tried to self-correct by talking with each other, only to create more stress and friction between the two of you. 

  • Or, maybe communication issues are preventing your good intentions from being received, validated or understood. 

  • Are seemingly simple conversations about needs and desires spiraling into arguments, making you wonder why you can’t just talk to one another like adults?

  • It may be that a demanding career is creating stress in your life, and preventing you from dedicating time and attention to your loved one or family. 

  • Or, maybe your children have left the nest and now you both are suddenly uncertain of what to do next in your shared lives. 

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  • Perhaps your relationship suffers from trust issues, patterns of avoidance or a lack of emotional accessibility. 

  • Or, it could be that your marriage is recovering from infidelity and you don’t know how to deal with the anger, grief and pain. 

  • Maybe the words break-up, separation or divorce have recently come up and you are trying to understand what this means for your relationship. Regardless of the particular issue you and your significant partner are facing, do you wish you had someone to talk to who could close the communication gap, enhance your intimacy and help you repair your relationship?

couples at odds

Relationship Problems Are a Challenge for Nearly All Couples

Intimate relationships affect every aspect of your life, your mental health, physical health, professional life and family life, just to name a few. 

And all relationships require a mutual dedication of effort and understanding to achieve lasting love.  Chances are, even if you are happy and content in a mature marriage, you’ve probably run into some hurdles.  Whether it’s trying to harmonize parenting strategies, balance work with personal lives or reignite a passion that seems lost over time, everyone experiences some sort of challenge in their relationship.

Using The Guidance Of A Skilled Professional

Despite how natural and common your situation may be, you’ve probably realized that correcting or overcoming these obstacles on your own is much more difficult than it seems.  Past relationships, examples set by our parents and depictions in popular culture are some of our only resources for dealing with conflict—and they are often flawed.  We’re simply not wired to understand each other to the extent that we can solve all of our problems alone.

The truth is, the impartial guidance of a skilled professional and compassionate relationship therapist can be an incredibly valuable asset to any couple’s happiness.  With our support, you and your loved one can gain the skills needed to reinforce your bond and ensure an enduring and healthy relationship.

Couples Counseling Can Help Strengthen and Enhance Your Partnership

couple silhouetted against sunset, kissing

The value of couples therapy is that it gives you a safe space to feel heard, validated and understood.  It provides a controlled environment in which you can have all the pressing, difficult conversations your relationship needs without them spiraling into arguments or misunderstandings. 

You’re Not Alone

Together, we can stop the negative cycle of fighting or avoidance and get to the root of the friction in your relationship so that you can generate deeper trust and reconnect with greater empathy and intimacy.

In a confidential and impartial environment, we can help you get to the core of your relationship issues, distinguishing between what you think may be contributing to conflict and what is really causing it.  We’ll explore how family of origin issues and past relationship histories may be informing your current relationship and devise healthy ways of moving beyond painful past experiences.  We can show you how to improve communication skills so you can resolve conflict and ask for what you need while remaining responsive, engaged and calm.  We’ll also help you mitigate issues of trust and abandonment and offer you heart-of–the-matter couples therapy that can increase your feelings of closeness and attachment.

We All Interpret Reality Differently

Everyone has their own distinct interpretation of what is happening in their partnership, so we always strive to personalize our approach to each couple’s unique situation, wants and goals.  If you are having trouble balancing a demanding career with your home or personal life, we can teach you how to set reasonable boundaries so you can keep work at work and avoid creating a business-like dynamic with your loved ones.  If you are recovering from an act of infidelity, we can use emotionally focused therapy (EFT) techniques to demonstrate how one person’s actions affect everyone—and how, despite any lingering anger or internal conflict, we are all designed to need and want attachment to a partner—even when it hurts. 

Asking For Help Isn’t Easy

We understand how hard it can be to ask for help, especially in a society that demands we solve our problems on our own, but you don’t have to continue struggling without support.  Even if your marriage or partnership is in a state of crisis, relationship therapy can help repair the damage and make it stronger than ever.  Working collaboratively with your spouse or partner, you can cultivate genuine empathy, learn effective communication skills and enhance the qualities of your entire relationship.

I am contemplating couples counseling, but I still have some concerns…

I’m already busy and worry about the time that counseling will require.

We understand that time is valuable, but is anything more important than your relationship, your mutual happiness or your family’s cohesion?  Just like any other part of your life, your relationship needs time and attention to thrive.  Counseling for couples is a short-term investment that appreciates with every moment you and your family stay happy and whole.  In the long run, therapy may save you more time, money and happiness than any other investment could ever provide.

I don’t want us to be labeled as a couple who has to go to therapy.

Our sessions are always held to the highest degree of confidentiality, and you and your partner are the only ones who have the right to divulge your choice to seek counseling.  Furthermore, having a therapist is no longer the taboo it used to be. In fact, it’s become sort of a badge of honor and courage that shows you are committed to your family, your marriage and your collective mental and personal wellbeing.

No one ever expects to get into a relationship that will need the help of a professional therapist, but sometimes life gets confusing.  We love what we do and we get genuinely excited about being able to give couples the tools they need to repair their relationship.  That said, our ultimate goal is to have you become independent of guidance and support so that you can repeat the successes you have in sessions throughout your partnership.

Can relationship counseling really change anything?

We realize that there can be some uncertainty over whether or not therapy works. After all, you’ve probably tried everything else on your own without much success, which can be pretty discouraging.  However, as professionally trained impartial observers, we have the unique perspective required to pinpoint problematic areas of your relationship and offer practical, real-world solutions that can create lasting change.

We use emotionally focused therapy (EFT) during sessions because it has the reputation of being the gold standard of couples therapy.  According to current research data, EFT has already benefited 80 percent of those who’ve engaged in it.  In fact, EFT is the most effective form of therapy for couples available today. Working together as a team, we absolutely believe that change is possible.


You Don’t Have to Repair Your Relationship on Your Own

If you and your spouse or significant other are struggling to see eye to eye and you want to make a significant and sustainable change, we can help.  Please call 480.382.2807 or contact us to schedule your free 15-minute consultation.  We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about our practice or approach to couples counseling. In person or online sessions are available.